Tag Archives: daniel radcliffe

Harry Potter And The Need For Common Decency

If we really wanted to, we could’ve put a much more disturbing picture of Mr. Radcliffe, so be grateful for small gifts like this:

Anyway, off the back of news that Half Blood Prince has been delayed to July ’09, and the new rumour that the reasoning behind it is due to Radcliffe getting all nekkid and beastial for the Broadway release of Equus, which was due to bow around the same time as The Half Blood Prince‘s original November release, is something even more disturbing:

At first I thought I’d have pants (underwear) on for the scene, but apparently not. But I’ve sorta done that before on stage, so it’s all old hat now, really.

Daniel Radcliffe talking there. About what, you ask? Possible an Equus movie adaptation? No. That would be for a scene in the first of the two Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows movies. We knew it was getting dark, but now Harry’s getting nekkid? Dear God, won’t somebody please think of the children?!

First Images From “Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince”

These are the first official images from the third last film adaptation based on the second last book in the HP series.

Was that confusing? Let us help you out. While The Half Blood Prince is the second last book in the series, they’ve decided to make two films out of the final book, The Deathly Hollows.

The film continues on with Potter now in 6th year of Hogwarts, and coming across a book belonging to The Half Blood Prince, who may or may not be who Harry thinks it is.

Its also “hormones time!”, as Harry starts to fall for his best friend’s sister, as well as his best friend being seduced by a crazed classmate, much at the hidden jealousy of another.

Thats not to mention Harry’s arch-nemisis Voldemort’s continuing rise to power, some very complex double dealing with Hogwarts, and one of its students becoming more and more reclusive for some very dark and difficult reasons.

Also, for anyone who’s read the book, and there must be one of two of you out there, then you know that this will be the film when everything kicks into high gear, lining up for the massive finale. On top of the already stellar cast, Jim Broadbent will be joining the ranks as Slughorn, and director of The Order Of The Phoenix David Yates is back to direct this one, and most likely the 7th and 8th installments aswell, depening on how well this one does, having beat back the likes of Guillermo Del Toro (who passed to direct Hellboy 2), Anand Tucker (And When Did You Last See Your Father?) and Michael Hoffman (One Fine Day).

Due out 21 November 2008, with not one of them grossing less then $750 million, expect this one to be the one that finally surpassed the $1 billion mark.