Tag Archives: entertainment

Zack & Miri Make An Awesome Poster!

See? Told You.

Harry Potter And The Need For Common Decency

If we really wanted to, we could’ve put a much more disturbing picture of Mr. Radcliffe, so be grateful for small gifts like this:

Anyway, off the back of news that Half Blood Prince has been delayed to July ’09, and the new rumour that the reasoning behind it is due to Radcliffe getting all nekkid and beastial for the Broadway release of Equus, which was due to bow around the same time as The Half Blood Prince‘s original November release, is something even more disturbing:

At first I thought I’d have pants (underwear) on for the scene, but apparently not. But I’ve sorta done that before on stage, so it’s all old hat now, really.

Daniel Radcliffe talking there. About what, you ask? Possible an Equus movie adaptation? No. That would be for a scene in the first of the two Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows movies. We knew it was getting dark, but now Harry’s getting nekkid? Dear God, won’t somebody please think of the children?!

Voltron The Movie; Due 2010

Writer Justin Marks, the guy who what wrote Unbroken (no, us neither) and the forthcoming Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun Li, comes the script for big screen adaptation of Voltron, the cartoon that pre-dated the similar but less apocalyptic Power Rangers by about 15 years.

Its been described as “a post-apocalyptic tale set in New York City and Mexico which follows five ragtag survivors of an alien attack who band together and end up piloting the five lion-shaped robots that combine and form the massive sword-wielding Voltron that helps battle Earth’s invaders.”

Appearantly LatinoReview have read the script, and announced it as “a fucking masterpiece” and Cinemablend’s opinion doesn’t differ too much; “a well put together, well intentioned, incredibly faithful Voltron script using modern sensibilities.”

We’re sorry, but just how well intentioned to you intend to be when we’re talking about a film involving aliens, lion robots, and a giant samurai that fights the bad invaders with a big sword? That kinda shit might fly in Manga-land, but the is Hollywood baby. Thats not kosher here.

The Dark Knight Returns Poster

Yes, its fake, but yes, its awesome as shit.

Should this guy play The Riddler?

Brian Austin Green might’ve rocked our collective worlds in Beverely Hills 90210, and he might be making something of a “comeback”, if you can call it that, in The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but is that enough for Master Nolan to consider him? According to a recent interview with MTV, he believes so. We can but dream.

“Sex Drive” Trailer

Despite James “Cyclops and then the boring guy from Superman Returns” Marsden trying to act all tuff and stuff, this trailer actually made Correct Opinion laugh more times than the entire of Step Brothers.

Take from that what you want.

Harry Potter And The Half Year Release Date Move

Because we forgot to add previously, here is the Potter 6 teaser trailer:

As with all the films, its getting darker, to the point that by the time Potter 7 swings round, you may not be able to see the Warner Brothers logo. Also, at the end of the trailer, the word “Novemeber” pops op. Well…..

“Like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers’ strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films—changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of.  We agreed the best strategy was to move Half-Blood Prince to July, where it perfectly fills the gap for a major tent pole release for mid-summer.” From the pen of Mister Warner (or one of his PR people, at least).

The real reason, apparently, is because Warners also distributed a little movie called The Dark Knight this year, which made a butt load of money, so they don’t really need any more this year, and have moved it back to July 2009 cos it’ll have little to no competition. The only other film opening on the same day is Will Ferrell’s Land Of The Lost, which Paramount will probably move to a safer date now.

“Dance Of The Dead” Trailer

We’ve had Nights, Dawns, Days, Lands, Diarys, Dawns again….. other things….. And now, we have Dances. Straight to DVD, yes. Worth checking out, probably not.

Young Voldemort played by chocolate bar!

New pictures from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are online today, courtesy of USA Today (here). They show Tom Riddle aka the young Voldemort, and Dumbledore in full fiery action mode.

The young he-who-must-not-be-named is played by (see if you can guess which famous fellow cast member he’s related to!) 10 year old Hero Fiennnes-Tiffin.

Let me say that again: Hero Fiennes-Tiffin.

Who. The. Fuck. Names their kid that?! He has not one, but TWO chocolate bars in his name! Voldemort is meant to inspire fear and dread – not make me peckish for a cup of tea and chocolate treat!

Although he does now become our new favourite “child actor with hilarious name”. The previous title holder was Mackintosh Muggleton, the kid from 28 Weeks Later. His always sounded like a makey-uppy Harry Potter name anyway, so now our new favourite is actually in a Harry Potter film – brilliant!

Picture: Dumbledore couldn’t quite remember if he turned off the gas before leaving Hogwarts.

The film’s trailer will be online later today. We’ll have it up later. But only if it’s better than the shit teaser trailer (here).

10 things we’ve learned from Comic Con 2008

1) Fat people should not wear spandex. Or any tight-fitting costumes.

Ironman does like Burger King

Ironman does like Burger King

2) Kids in costumes are very cute, as are whole families dressing up.

The family that dresses up together, stays together.

The family that dresses up together, stays together.

Although some are just creepy.

I know a doctor who might be able to help you.

I know a doctor who might be able to help you.

But either way, there will probably be therapy issues later in life.

3) Terminator Salvation may be okay.

Full Throttle

The tragic results of excessive exposure to Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

Read how McG wowed the Comic Con crowds here. News that Jonathon (brother of Chris) Nolan is the “lead” scriptwriter is encouraging.

4) Hugh Jackman knows how to work a crowd. And is still hot even with shaggy hair and beard.

Hugh Jackman shakes hands with Len Wein, creator of the character Wolverine

Hugh Jackman shakes hands with Len Wein, creator of the character Wolverine

5) Comic Con girls dress slutty. But we like it.

Evil cheerleaders

Evil cheerleaders

6) Twilight fans are INSANE. And scream too much and too loud. And Robert Pattinson’s hair is ridiculous.

Robert Pattinson's silly hair

Robert Pattinson's silly hair

You can watch the video below, but Correct Opinion are not responsible for any loss of hearing incurred. You have been warned.

7) Turns out San Diego doesn’t actually mean “whale’s vagina”.

We want to believe...

We want to believe...

8 ) There is a very good feeling about Watchmen.

Malin Akerman (Silk Spectre II), Zac Snyder (director) and Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschack) presented well-received new footage

Malin Akerman (Silk Spectre II), Zack Snyder (director) and Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach) presented well-received new footage

9) Ray Stevenson looks great in a suit. But that still doesn’t mean the new Punisher will be any good.

Titus Pullo scrubs up pretty well

Titus Pullo scrubs up pretty well

10) Some people get way into their costume. But it’s all cool. Geek cool.

You'll believe a man can wear baby blue

You'll believe a man can wear baby blue

Go on...admit it...it looks fun...right?

Go on...admit it...it looks fun...right?

For more photos, blogs and videos direct from the event, check out Empire’s Comic Con coverage here.