Tag Archives: trailer

“Sex Drive” Trailer

Despite James “Cyclops and then the boring guy from Superman Returns” Marsden trying to act all tuff and stuff, this trailer actually made Correct Opinion laugh more times than the entire of Step Brothers.

Take from that what you want.

Harry Potter And The Half Year Release Date Move

Because we forgot to add previously, here is the Potter 6 teaser trailer:

As with all the films, its getting darker, to the point that by the time Potter 7 swings round, you may not be able to see the Warner Brothers logo. Also, at the end of the trailer, the word “Novemeber” pops op. Well…..

“Like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers’ strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films—changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of.  We agreed the best strategy was to move Half-Blood Prince to July, where it perfectly fills the gap for a major tent pole release for mid-summer.” From the pen of Mister Warner (or one of his PR people, at least).

The real reason, apparently, is because Warners also distributed a little movie called The Dark Knight this year, which made a butt load of money, so they don’t really need any more this year, and have moved it back to July 2009 cos it’ll have little to no competition. The only other film opening on the same day is Will Ferrell’s Land Of The Lost, which Paramount will probably move to a safer date now.

“The Spirit” Trailer

This looks like a mess. A big, sexy, sweaty mess, but a mess nonetheless. Rather lazily, most of the trailer seems to be composed of the already released posters of the platter of scintillating women on offer to oogle at during its run time, with the highlight being finally seeing The Spirit himself in action, and Sam Jackson and what looks like one of his crazier hair-dos, in a career full of hair-don’ts.

“Terminator: Salvation” Teaser Trailer

Not a bad teaser trailer, all things being equal. The one quick shot of a person being snatched by a giant mechanical hand from out of the building is really cool and very creepy. Bale has never given a bad performance, but he is not immune to being in bad films. Its getting increasingly difficult to remain totally negative about this whole endeavour, but we’ll keep at it anyway!

“Before The Thunder….. Comes The Madness.”

Winner of, among many others, Tijuana’s Shrieking Donkey Award and Honourable Mention at the Everyone’s A Winner Film Festival, comes the heartrending and insightful documentary behind the making of Tropic Thunder, rather fantastically titled Rain Of Madness. See, cos Rain means that it was raining alot, but it also sounds like the word Reign, which would indicate that madness was in control.

Thank God for comedic genuises like these people, otherwise I wouldn’t know whats funny and what isn’t. For example, I wouldn’t have thought that title was funny. I would’ve thought it was lazy, stupid and, well, lazy. But they think its funny, and they get paid millions and millions of dollars a year to be funny, like Eddie Murphy and Mike Myers, and they all seem pretty on the ball right now.

“The Day The Earth Stood Still” Trailer

There’s something just so perfect about the casting of Keanu as the not-entirely-human being in this remake of the 50’s classic. Director Scott Derrickson has never shown any great verve towards anything of an epic nature, but alot of the destruction at the end of this trailer looks kinda awesome. But the whole thing kinda smacks of The War Of The Worlds, with a little bit of Sphere thrown in too.

Also, it would seem that our generations has finally decided upon a new fearful villian. Post-9/11 it was all about the “terrorist next door” thing (and still kinda is), but now, following films like The Happening and The Ruins, it would seem that anti-pollution is the cause of mankind’s downfall. Thanks alot, Al Gore!

“RockNRolla” Trailer

Most of Richie’s movies have had cool trailers, so that probably meant nothing. But Gerard Butler is awesome, Thandie Newton is amazingly hot, Ludacris is the only rapper/actor to actual manage to be good at both, Tom Wilkinson is great in everything and Jeremy Piven rules the world since Entourage.

But Guy Richie was wasted talented casts before. Lock, Stock…… was very good, but still over-rated. Snatch is very good, kinda under-rated, but still not great. And the less said about Swept Away and absolute cinematic abomination Revolver the better. In total, his cons outweight his pros, but he’s due a good turn. So fingers crossed. But still haven’t quite gotten over that horrific title.

“Transsiberian” Trailer & Poster

From the director of the good but still over-rated The Machinist comes this movie which nobody will go see cos they’ll be too ashamed to admit that they can’t pronounce the title.

Starring Woody Harrelson and Emily Mortimer as a couple travelling on the namesake train who make friends with vaguely offputting couple Kate Mara and Eduardo Noriega, not to mention Sir Ben Kingsley strangling a Ukrainian accent. Then things begin to go awry.

Appearantly this was quite popular at last year’s Sundance, so it could be good. On the other hand, it could be good in the same way that The Machinist was “good,” so who knows.

“Death Race” Trailer

From the director of Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, Solider, Resident Evil and Aliens Versus Predator, not to mention being the producer of Resident Evil; Apocalype, Resident Evil; Extinction, The Dark and DOA: Dead Or Alive, comes this:

Despite his rather incredible track record, Paul W.S. Anderson (not to be confused with There Will Be Blood‘s director Paul W. Anderson), he’s managed to rally up a fairly decent cast for this expensive-ish looking remake. Will it be any good? No. But will it be the kind of bad that is enjoyable? Maybe!

Don Cheadle Is A “Traitor”

What is it with boring, instantly forgettable film titles, and there boring, instantly forgettable posters? This movie has a kind of classy cast, with the great Don Cheadle playing a former counter-terrorist who may or may not have become an anti-US terrorist, being chased by the great Guy Pearce, who is the now has Cheadle’s old job. And then there’s Jeff Daniels as Pearce’s boss and Cheadle’s best friend, who may or may not be in on whole thing. And then there’s Neal McDonough, who doesn’t feature on the poster or in the trailer as far as we can tell, but he’s also great, and always kinda scary.

Anyways, it was directed and written by the guy who’s only majorly famous credit was writting The Day After Tomorrow, and the whole thing was based on an idea by Steve Martin(!), who dreamt it up while shooting on The Pink Panther(!).

Cheadle is always great, no matter what he’s in, and ditto Pearce, but this film just seems a bit kinda “Meh” with nothing substantial interesting behind it. Even the action scenes looked like they were shot in an abandoned car park in some poorly eastern European country, more obviously so than usual. Maybe there’s some deeper plot devices behind the whole thing that they didn’t want to give away with the trailer, which does make a nice refreshing change of pace. But thats a big “Maybe”.